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Heal the Waters of our World

Hello, I’m Joy Elaine, author of The Joy Chronicles, and I’d like to thank you for joining me in this world mission. Today we are going to focus on healing the waters of our world. Now there’s been much talk about the world’s water and also a lot of fear mongering and miscommunication. We have the issues of global warming, Fukushima and pollutants from manufacturing and other sources. I am asking you not to focus on any of those issues today. That’s because a positive focus does more to heal and elevate the condition of water than focusing negative energy that fuels and supports those less than divine realities.



As you read on the first slide, I am going to offer you an SVH screen viewing procedure that will enhance your innate abilities, and your participation in this world work. If you have already viewed the SVH screen on another of these missions, you are prepared to do an enhanced version of any or all of the other missions without repeating the process. Simply skip ahead now to the slide that begins this mission.

If you haven’t yet looked at the SVH screen, here’s what to do. Find a quiet place, sit back, close your eyes, and imagine a screen before you—a movie, computer or TV screen.

  1. Silently ask the Creator to load onto your screen the enhancements, as well as any SVH shields and clearings that will benefit you.
  2. Even if you see only darkness, a part of you can see what is on the screen.
  3. Silently ask the Creator (or God, Goddess), if it is okay for the Creator to activate this SVH work for  you.
  4. When you receive an affirmative sense or knowing, all you have to do to have the SVH work immediately put into place is to say or think “yes!”
  5. Pause here to allow yourself time to receive your affirmative answer.

Now, to begin today’s mission. Perhaps you’ve heard of Dr. Emoto. He was a Japanese author, researcher, and photographer who believed that water could react to positive thoughts and words, and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization.

Based on those concepts, I’d like for you to imagine the words love, harmony, clean or any words that you like, that reflect the divine version of water. Now imagine painting those words on the pipes that bring water into your home. Pause here, if you wish, and have some fun with your painting.

Imagine those same energies radiating into the waters of every ocean and river and pond. See yourself standing on the shore of your favorite lake, river, pond or ocean and open your heart to send love and healing and blessings to those waters. Pause here to give yourself time to enjoy doing that. Now see the fish swimming in pristine waters and dolphins jumping in pleasure from joy at the sparkling clean waters of their world. 

If you drink bottled water, you might consider sending healing and blessings to the bottled water manufacturing plants.

As you and others around the world, listen to and implement these world missions, we will see our world begin to shift to match the ideal visions we are focused on manifesting. Gaia, the embodiment of the essence of Earth, has assured me that all the elements of Earth—water, air and soil—will be returned to their pristine nature when Earth reaches the 8th dimension. Let’s start visualizing that now!

You may learn more about SVH by visiting my website www.thejoyoflife.info  
